Great piece

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California democrats are an insane asylum! I can't believe what they have done to this beautiful state and keep on going in the same direction. Escaped first to Miami- now in Houston. Both places feel like going back in time and what California used to be 13 years ago. Was always socially liberal but fiscally conservative-leaning more republican and therefore an enemy in LA to most crazy liberals. Was not a big fun of Trump until the last three years or so.

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What genius convinced the Dems to talk up "President Felon" ?... over 80 million American adults have criminal records & over 19 million are felons. Wonder how pushing the idea that all such people are bad & untrustworthy is gonna work out?

Also: something is clearly wrong with our justice system when criminal records are handed out like candy. https://www.amazon.com/Three-Felonies-Day-Target-Innocent-ebook/dp/B00505UZ4G/

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Now RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard joined forces with Trump, I would like to say I feel confident of his victory but the Democrats have a whole bag of dirty tricks yet to be played.

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You have been fooled by theatrical misdirections about immigration, crime, debt, inflation, etc. Tech billionaires like the fact Trump will give them massive tax breaks and unrestricted access to our data. It’s solely about money.

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Dems gotta wake up and take Jason Calicanis' advice and put in the fix at the Democratic convention to swap out Biden.

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They made it worse for themselves with this trial. If they had any brains left they would let it go.

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They made it worse for themselves with this trial. If they had any brains left they would let it go.

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They made it worse for themselves with this trial. If they had any brains left they would let it go.

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They made it worse for themselves with this trial. If they had any brains left they would let it go.

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They made it worse for themselves with this trial. If they had any brains left they would let it go.

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